Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Originally Posted By: domwoods74
I read a few of the rizzuto soldiers including Vito were made members of the bonnano family though . Will the bonnanos still not have a claim on these guys considering there made into that family ?? If there making the kind of money people r saying there making , surly the bonnanos would be after a slice of the pie ??

during the 1990s the Montreal crew had a total of about 20 made guys and they were all considered members of the bonnano family. according to Sal Vitale, the last time there was a tribute payment from montreal to new york was in 1999. I believe they stopped kicking up after George from Canada was murdered.

Even then you gotta believe that they only kicked in any tributes was because Rizzuto and Sciascia were close. Not sure what Massino was thinking by clipping Sciascia at the time but he lost the most powerful branch in his family because of it.