Originally Posted By: bigboy
As to Duck Dynasty, I've never seen it before but my daughters like it a lot. I am told that Robertson is highly educated. I am also told that he was a college football star and team mate off Terry Bradshaw. I did hear Terry say that thew only reason that he got the QB job was because Robertson Quit. It was not a case of Bradshaw playing better than Robertson. Anyway, I say if you don't like what the guy is saying, just don't watch his show.

Yes he was educated at Louisiana Tech and was actually a school teacher at one point. He was also the starter at Tech at QB with Bradshaw actually on the bench behind him. If Robertson didn't quit to "duck hunt" as he put it, Bradshaw probably only would have had a year maybe at Tech to prove himself. It is actually not a bad show for kids to watch, there is no cussing and they seem to be Godly people on t.v. (you never really know the true person until you are around them without cameras). My son watches and loves it as well (he is 9). I will watch it, but not big into it as I was after the first season. Since the first season you could tell everything was set up while they were "at work".