Originally Posted By: SgWaue86
If you have been a career criminal I would have to assume that by the time you spend 5-10 in the can and waking up everyday ducking the law and fighting with your counterparts that by the time you hit 60 the shit would begin to wear on you. As far as associates go I feel it has to been trying taking orders from a gangster everyday granted we all know the are perks but for the most part it would seem like 60-70 years old would be outs if possible. Then again its an entirely different mindstate for criminal than for a kid you grew up in the burbs and was given a chance life to be what HE wants.

True, but you see lots of old guys get out of the can and still live the life. Its all they've known for forty years. Sonny Franzese was still active and he's in his 90s.