Being from San Francisco I'm spoiled when it comes to Italian restaurants. There are plenty of great ones. I'll always remember my first visit to an Olive Garden. I was in Richmond VA on business and our hosts were taking us out for an "Italian" dinner. After a week of hotel and cafeteria food (this was my first encounter with fried baloney sandwiches too) I was looking forward to a great meal. Visions of antipasto and linguine vongole danced in my head. As we drove up to the mall I was looking for the restaurant when my hosts declared "we're here" as we parked outside Olive Garden. I was disappointed but realized that this was probably what passed for Italian in Richmond VA. I knew that closer to and in DC there were some great Italian places especially in Alexandria. I really don't remember what I had but I do remember that we had a GREAT time. Good drinks, good conversation with people who would become good friends and isn't that what it's all about?