Very little. I think the most accurate number of full time made soldiers and soldier/associates is between 40-50 with another 100 associates. Approx. 10 "made" guys are in prison. So suffice to say, there's about 30 made guys on the street with 100 associates.

Made men/full time soldiers in prison: James Marcello, Michael Marcello, Michael Sarno, Joseph Lombardo, Robert Bellavia, Paul Spano, Anthony Calabrese, Vito Scavo, Louis Marino, Mario Rainone, Paul Schiro.

Made men/full time soldier associates on the street: John DiFronzo, Joseph Andriacchi, Rudy Fratto, Joseph Calato, John Matassa, Peter DiFronzo, Frank Caruso, Leo Caruso, Bruno Caruso, Chris Spina, Michael Spano, Joseph Mangiamele, James Inendino, Salvatore DeLaurentis, Salvatore Cautadella, Joseph Gagliano, Sam Cecola, Tony Dote, Carl Dote, Casey Szaflarski, Dino Marino, Michael Posner, Albert Vena, Gary Gagliano, Robert Abbinanti, Fred Pascente.

Possible made men/full time soldier associates on the street: Paul Carparelli, Vegas Rick Rizzolo, Rocco Lombardo, Frank Caruso, Jr., Nick Ferriola, Vincent Forliano, John Rainone, William Daddono III, Anthony Maggio, Anthony Giannone, Jimmy DiGiulio, Anthony Spavone, Sam Bills, Robert Dominic.

Needless to say, most of these guys are in their 60s and 70s. A few are in their 50s. The only three in their 40s are Paul Carparelli, Michael Spano and Vincent Forliano. Frank Caruso, Jr. and Nick Ferriola are in their 30s.