I said that the information comes from indicments and reports, there are tons of articles to be found on various forums.

I have been doing this since 2010 with the help of many people, its not that i do it all by myself. I am not a professional crime reporter or so, i just designed my own concept for a chart. I try to gather the information the best i can, and i craft it into these files. Its my decision not to include deceased members, because it would be a impossible job to keep track of it.

I and other people never claim these things to be 100% accurate, we try to be correct but thats a different thing.

I dont want to bragg about the stuff i do, but my Philadelphia chart from 2011 was described as very accurate by George Anastasia himself. And that the feds probably had some chart like that too.

Anyway, i dont want to get into any discussion. Feel free to PM if needed.

Up to date mafia charts --> https://cosanostracharts.wordpress.com/