Originally Posted By: TottiNotGotti
Originally Posted By: abc123
U.C.A. ARE a result of the REAL IRA on Irish people.

The UCA are a shower of hoods and scumbags. I'm no supporter of the Real IRA but I'll back them any day of the week over drug dealing scum who cause misery throughout Ireland.

Not a chance. They will have personal contacts through Irish workers but they don't have the kind of clout that the Provos had at their height.

When they go abroad now they go to Eastern Europe.

The Real IRA is run in its totality by MI5.if you guys think the American Mafia is riddled with informers then you can't even imagine what the Real IRA is like. It is essentially run as a way of getting angry young men off the street and into gaol and as a training exercise for MI5. Ireland is now a testing ground for them and they use the Real IRA to refine their tactics.

Irish Republican who backs MI5 gang very very funny, that says it all.