Originally Posted By: Lou_Para

Also, anyone who saw a puff of smoke from the Knoll is either mistaken or lying.

1)No modern rifle produces enough smoke to produce a visible "puff". In fact when Oliver Stone needed to recreate the smoke in the JFK comedy,he had to have an off camera assistant use a bellows to produce it.

Agreed, it would take Civil War cannon or a 200yr old musket to generate that kind of smoke.

Originally Posted By: Lou_Para

2)Even "if" there was some smoke,the wind conditions present in the Plaza on that day would have instantly dispersed it.
Not to beat a dead horse,but there is no evidence of a second shooter. None,zero,zilch,nada. Every piece of physical evidence points to one (and only one) shooter.

One thing I noticed is conspiracy theorists ignore key witnesses. There were at least 3 witnesses who saw a man with rifle on the 6th floor and alerted cops to the building. After a roll call by supervisor, LHO is missing. He is later found in a theater with a handgun (same caliber which killed Officer Tippit) and takes a swing at the cop. If LHO was innocent or framed, he sure didn't help himself.