Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Irishman12
I'm shocked honestly but happy the Yankees stuck to their guns. The front end of that contract will be good but the end will be terrible (think A-Rod). I wish Robbie all the best and thanks for the memories!

I honestly think the Yankees resented having to do business with an agent they view as completely inexperienced. Whether or not there's any merit to their position remains to be seen.

I hate Boras like poison, but if he was Cano's agent he'd be wearing a Yankees cap right now.

It just goes to show that Cano wanted nothing more than money. Which I don't have a problem with. But I don't want to hear after 3 or 4 seasons about how Seattle isn't winning or trying to compete. You went to Seattle for the money and nothing more. If you wanted a chance to win the World Series year in and year out, you'd have stayed in New York.