Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: ChiTown

lol I never said Carpelli was made. I don't think he is personally. But as we all know Ivy (Jared)...you enforce YOUR preferences ruthlessly on these forums. Right now you are dictating who is made and who isn't based on YOUR preference.

What the hell are you talking about? I never said he was made or not made. I said I hadn't seen anything official one way or the other. What I didn't agree with is Huron claiming he's made with zilch to back it up. This has nothing to do with "my" preference. We all know the criteria for a made guy. Once again, you're just trying to make an issue out of nothing because you can't let past squabbles go.

lol now you call it a "squabble" what happened to calling it a "beef" like you did last week? No more Salt Lake City street slang? lol

How many people on this forum do you estimate actually care what you do and don't agree with? I'm trying to get a sense of just how important you think you really are...