Adrianna was such a tragic figure. She had a big heart,and loved Christopher,but unfortunately,she was very naive.
The Feds bulldozed her from the start by bluffing her into believing that they would put her away for 25 years. She figured that if she gave up some minor info that they would let her go.

Of course,the more she gave up,the more the Feds wanted. The cycle was vicious,"give up more info and we'll help you out",then when Ade resists,they tell her that based on the info she just gave them,she's implicated in even more serious crimes.

I don't think she would have ever approached Tony for help because she really just wanted her and Chris to have a life together outside the Family.

When Sil killed her,I actually had tears in my eyes.To me Adrianna was a sweet girl who was totally devoted to her man. I always found it so cute when she would mention things like Chris's "promotion" as if he was going into an office every day.

Adrianna was a childlike, good soul who got involved with a psychopathic, philandering piece of sh*t,and his gang of scumbags.