Originally Posted By: littlemango
Originally Posted By: Iceman999

Well according to Montiglio, Nino did force his father out of the house after refusing to participate in some bit of auto fraud Nino had devised. That and forbidding Montiglio to ever see his or talk to his father gain. Then you have Nino putting the kibosh on Montiglio's attempt to get made as well.

As for not doing anything, well he was Nino's bagman, not to mention the Vinny Mook and Dellacroce/Gotti stuff.

The thing with dom's father is a big deal, no disagreement there.
I don't remember nino preventing dom from getting made.

In that life nobody gives you anything and everyone tries to take everything. Nino didn't do anything for anybody and he was helping dom by giving him a deal on rent, paying him to be his eyes, introducing him to important people as someone under his wing. He tried to set up dom in an ice cream business and a taxi business. He gave dom the world compared to other people. nino didn't do half that much for demeo and demeo did far more to help nino than dom ever did.

In the book that slant comes through as the way dom see's the world he seems to think he's owed something and is upset that he's not being valued when he can't see how much value nino actually placed in him compared to how nino treated everyone else. dom never seems to acknowledge that.

in several of Montiglio's documentaries he mentions that Gaggi was preventing him from being made cause he didnt want to lose Dom to Big Paul, bc he said after he was made, Big Paul was gonna make him his driver. thats just what ive seen montiglio claim several times.

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort