What an imbecile. But there are morons like this in all walks of life (think Hollywood millionaire Winona Ryder getting caught shoplifting ten years ago, or the Lohan twat more recently).

And this isn't even unprecedented among wiseguys. When Joey Massino was lamming it in Pennsylvania he was caught stealing a bottle of aspirin from a drug store. A three dollar bottle of fucking aspirin! He gave his usual alias (Joe Russo) to the cops and they never put two and two together.

And for the hundredth time: These guys are not, for the most part, rocket scientists. Stealing is in their DNA. They get off on it. Whether it's three dollars or three hundred thousand dollars, a lot of them really can't help themselves.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.