Originally Posted By: Cajunwhodat
Hello folks I'm new here and hope its ok to comment.
Being a New Orleanian and friend to several of Carlos' (Calogero) I just think its unfortunate that no one knows the truth but yet our city and my friends family have marks on them because of speculation and a city's unfortunate encounter with a bisexual guy that was very confused with his sexuality and how the military treated him about it.The guy had some serious social dis functions and it was readily expressed directly after the incident in many of the "private " clubs around the city. Geaux Saints
Welcome to the boards Cajun. I agree that because of unfounded speculation and complete disregard for the actual, proven,physical evidence,a lot of people will forever be connected to a "conspiracy" that exists only in the heads of nitwits. Unsubstantiated mumblings by Marcello don't connect him to the JFK shooting,and Garrison's alcoholic ramblings resulted only in having Clay Shaw's prosecution laughed out of court in record time. And by the way,Geaux Steelers(sorry,but I had to)