Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Just like Lou Para says, there´s absolutely no prove of Oswald being a KGB agent. Neither are there any prove of Oswald being a communist/marxist/stalinist (whatever) in his KGB files handed to Clinton by Yeltsin. I think you are jumping to absurd conclusions.

You are putting words in my mouth. I never stated Oswald was a KGB agent. Just that he had contacts. In face I stated there was no proven collusion.

In 1962, Oswald left the Soviet Union and returned to the USA. He encountered none, whatsoever, problem with reentering US.

Actually quite a few defectors from Russia came back to the United States around the same time as Oswald. There was a study commissioned about it by the House.


I suspect the political win of attracting a defector back from the Soviets overtook the danger of letting a pseudo-marxist nutjob back into the United States. Afterall all the other defectors didn't shoot Kennedy.

One of Oswald´s best friends in Dallas was George De Mohrenschildt, a Belo russian immigrant so far to the right on the political scale, you would have to turn your head 180 degrees to be able to see him. It was through his contacts, Oswald gained a job at the school book depository in Dallas.

It wasn't thru George De Mohrenschildt's contacts that Oswald got the job at the Book Depository. He got Oswald another job prior to that at a photographic company.

Also I think you are overstating de Mohrenschildt's anti-Communist credentials. He actually did business in oil with the Yugoslavian government for example. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't pro-Soviet or anything, he would be debriefed by the CIA whenever he went overseas afterall but I think he was the kind of aristocratic playboy who wouldn't care if some semi-educated hillbilly he made friends with had some lunatic beliefs.