Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: abc123

David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald Photograph.

Good find! This debunks Posner´s claim of no "evidence of LHO and David Ferrie ever met". Posner´s book "Case closed" is often cited as the best researched book in favor of no conspiracy. Together with some documents found in the link I posted earlier, this find seems to discredit Posener´s book.

BTW, wasn´t Ferrie extremely weird looking?

Hairy, Ferrie had alopecia, a decease that makes all of your body hair fall out and worsens with age. He wore a homemade wig and fake eye-brows later in life.

This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this, hey, thats great. But it's very, very unpredictable. There are so many ways you can screw it up.-Paul Castellano (he would know)

"I'm not talking about Italians, I'm talking about criminals."-Joe Valachi