Why would the CIA kill the President who gave them the largest budget appropriation in the history of the US? This came two and a half years after JFK "supposedly" said he would splinter the agency into a thousand pieces. He did nothing of the kind,and in fact,increased the CIA's scope of activity.When you get a record breaking amount of money from the President,do you then turn around and publicly murder him? As far as Bobby and the CIA,the Attorney General had absolutely no authority,power,legislative precedent,or constitutional mandate over the Intelligence operations of the Federal government,so outside of a conspiracy theorist fantasy,he was powerless.
Cyril Wecht,famous as he is,has made a major career,and millions of dollars off of the JFK killing by perpetuating a theory that even he initially denied.Wecht stated that he believed that the evidence supported two shots,striking Kennedy from the rear,accounting for all of the wounds in both Connally and JFK. He has since recanted this belief. Out of the four major investigations (Warren,Clark,Rockefeller,HSCA)a total of 19 forensic pathologists agreed that the wounds inflicted could have been caused by 2 shots,both striking Kennedy from the rear. Wecht was the only dissenting voice. Wecht loves the spotlight,fame and money that his private practice has enjoyed as a result of his high profile celebrity cases. Look up his better known cases and judge for yourself the credibility that he brings to the table.