Dr. Cyril Wecht, former Allegheny County Coroner, said in an interview with Geraldo that he believes the CIA planned the whole thing ...Oswald was an unwitting stooge.... that the CIA were, at that time, a very ''rogue'' agency and knew that Jack and Bobby were going to limit their powers..... this, to me is most plausible..... we'll never know..... sad to watch Kennedy in that limo because he was really just a good looking Irish rich kid who only wanted to fuck as many broads as possible and be a playboy.... his old man, the evil piece of Irish shit that he was, pushed Jack into running for office... Jack never had the need or lust to be president like brother Bobby did ... sad to see him cruising down the street with his sunglasses on looking cool with his movie star looking wife ...not knowing in a few moments his world would end. He never would have chased being president if not for his father and brother who both craved power... only wanted to chase broads. Very sad.