The public's skepticism of the WC is arguably what spawned the movements of the 1960's--Americans just never fully trusted their gov't after that.

Too much coincidence for me. LHO, who had already attempted political assassination some months earlier, just happens to get a job at the book depository, and the Presidential motorcade just happens to change routes down that street and open the top?

No, i think Oswald was there, but was just what he said he was, a patsy. Someone else did the shooting and left the patsy to take the wrap under the guise of protection--very powerful protection which soon double crossed him.

EDIT- I DO think it's time to put to bed the grassy knoll conspiracy--watching the fatal head shot in freeze frame shows Kennedy's head move slightly forward upon impact, suggesting a rear entrance wound.

Last edited by Frank_Nitti; 11/20/13 09:40 PM.