Originally Posted By: LittleMan
How about making him pay $15000 for Incognito's trip to Vegas....and Martin didn't even go.

Shows that no matter how big and strong someone is, there's still a bully out there. Before this story broke, I incorrectly thought that NFL linemen didn't really have to worry about this stuff.

Next and final stop for the released Incognito.....Oakland Raiders?

OHHH YAY we talking about my DOLPHINS on BB!!!!! Crap nevermind....

lol they gotta revamp the entire offense. It will be a long 3-5 years in Miami, not to mention that it has been a decade since we were somewhat relevant.

Ireland-Gotta Go
Philibin-Gotta Go
O-line in no particular order (minus Mckennie)-Gotta Go
Running backs- Gotta Go

Am I getting my drift across? in Layman's terms: WE BAD

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"