I have been giving this some thought on how strong LCN is south of the border. I know that there is a strong presence of Italians in Argentina, and not too long ago there were a few Sicilians in Mexico that got caught shipping a freighter of Coke to Sicily (I can't remember the exact date).

Haven't a few made guys been caught on the lam out there as well, in particular Venezuela? As well as the guy that was involved in the Pizza Connection case was located in Brazil?

I'm thinking the presence is stronger than what is portrayed because most of these countries are second and third world, which I think would make it a lot easier to corrupt a government as a whole. Think about it, no FBI, no EU law enforcement, and you can't tell me a South American Federal law enforcement officer has as much resources as the Gmen do here in America.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"