I considered Lucky the boss of the Luciano/Genovese family while he was in jail, and even after he was deported. When Costello retired and Genovese took over the reigns of the family, that is when Lucky lost his influence. The LToLL said that he was getting around $25k/month. I assumed that this included the boss's cut of crime revenue.

And Luciano was very strong in Havana, imo. After all, he called the meeting and top mobsters came. And it was on the turf secured by his right hand man, Lansky. As per TLToLL, attendees brought envelopes for Charlie, which he parlayed into points into a casino Lansky was building in Havana. Was that fabricated BS, or did Charlie really receive envelopes in Havana?

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)