I went out to Pittsburgh Saturday night to see the Notre Dame/Pitt game with several friends. The one Pitt fan with us was a fullback on the 1976 national championship team. We got to meet Tony Dorsett and some of his old teammates.

At halftime the team was honored briefly on the field, but one of my other friends (who never played a down of organized ball in his life) made it on the field with my fullback friend and the other members on the team who were present. He even signed a few autographs.

My younger son was also at the game with some friends from school. I met up with him after the game where he and his buddy were waiting in a small line to have their pictures taken with David Robinson, whose son is a freshman receiver for the Irish. I was amazed by how accommodating, patient and friendly Robinson was, considering it was after midnight and I'm sure he wanted to leave with his family.

My son and I spent the night in Pittsburgh and my other son met us the next day at noon to watch the Steelers and Bills. I had seen him earlier Saturday when he and his friends drove home from school for a memorial for their friend, who had died last week. It was a good afternoon to spend with the boys.