Monday, November 11 is Veterans Day in the USA. Regardless of your political leanings, this day honors the people who chose to answer America's call for support and the American ideal of freedom.

In 1967 I had a 2-S military deferment. I was against the war in Viet Nam, but to this day I respect and honor those who were drafted or enlisted into the military. Here we are 45 years later and America still finds itself immersed in war. And somewhere in the world war continues. Someday I hope there are no veterans.

A few years ago a friend of mine lost his son to the war in Iraq. A couple of years later, I visited a place in Cape May, NJ - Sunset Beach - where a flag is flown that once covered the casket of a soldier who died in a war to support the cause of freedom. Those two experiences compelled me to write a song and make a video. The quality of the recording is not professional, but I present it here to honor those who sacrificed their life for freedom.

Flag of Freedom

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12