Personally, sometimes I get the feel that a lot of kids today only "Like" scarface because it makes them look cool and look "gangster". But in a way it helped the movie out a lot. Because the hoods were the neighborhoods that were watching that movie more so than anyone at first. They just loved that rags to riches story. I'm sure it started a lot of crime too because I'm sure you had a lot of people who felt like they could be tony montana. But I don't think it was a bad thing. Now a days it is just because it's so outdated. Unless they use a scarface reference in real clever wordplay I'm just not interested. I am a huge fan of hip hop. And I'm pretty old too. But the lyricism(at least when I used to listen to it)seemed so poetic and the way that they would put their words together was just unbelievable at the time in my opinion.