Originally Posted By: littlemango
Was Chris supposed to kill the kolar kid in the pilot? They're having issues with the czech garbage men stealing stops on one of their routes and tony gives chris permission to take care of it after chrs asks but after he does it pussy and later tony make comments as though chris went overboard and wasn't supposed to kill him

my understanding was that the meeting wasn't even supposed to take place at all and nobody knew about it besides chris and kolar.

chris (without authorisation) invited kolar to the meeting with the intention of killing him (the gun was already planted there) thinking he'd get some sort of praise or reward.

obviously tony didn't think the fued was at the point of violence yet but instead thought there was still talking to be done. or at the very least wanted to have the violence controlled by himself rather than chris just taking it upon himself to commit a murder (of presumably the kolar family member with the least juice, since he was young and was clearly under the direction of his uncles).

"It's not personal Sonny, it's strictly business"