Another interesting tidbit about the mob from D'Arco's Mob Boss:

As per Al D'Arco, there is no inheritance when it comes to the mob.

D'Arco took over Paul Vario's gang as capo, after Paulie passed away. As per the book, "the mafia imposed a 100% estate tax on it's fallen captains. The operating theory was that everything acquired was due to Cosa Nostra clout, so the spoils went not to the next generation, but to the succeeding capo."

Vic Amuso told D'Arco to take Vario's primary residence in Island Park, the condo in Florida, and the bar (Geffken's) addition to the traditional mob spoils, such as loansharking money on the street. Being the good guy that he is, D'Arco refused to take the homes. Instead, he took over part of Vario's shylock business.

While I understand that money from mob activities might be transferred from dead capo to new capo....what about legal residences and businesses? I can't fathom kicking a widow out of her home and taking over what should have been passed down to Vario's next generation.

Is this the way the mob operates, or is this BS from D'Arco? What about when an associate or soldier gets whacked...who inherits their stuff?

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)