Thanks for the source, Knuckles.

I'm currently reading D'Arco's book and I somehow glossed over that part where Senter/Testa got their wings at the same ceremony as D'Arco's son. I was focused on the nasty safety pin that Bobby Amuso brought to prick everyone's finger. I remember thinking that this was right after Greg Scarpa was diagnosed with HIV via a tainted blood transfusion and they should have been more careful.

At least Capeci supplies an index, so you can quickly look up info- unlike Carlo.

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)