Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I will make this brief for my US pals. Rugby, great violent game, I love it. Two types of rugby. Union which is more popular and League which is better. The rugby league World Cup is currently being played in the UK and the USA have a team which qualified for the first time in it's history. May I present the Tomahawks (is that a politically correct name) who have won their first 2 games and qualified for the quarter finals, where they will play the mighty Australians who are rather good. Nevertheless the Tomahawks have won the hearts and minds of the rugby world and you should all be very proud of them!!

Thanks for the tip Yogi. I'll have to check the TV listings. I would love to watch rugby rather than the TV Controlled Professional Sports. I particularly hate listening to the self-promoting, self-aggrandizing "reporters". As far as Tomahawks being accepted, yes, probably. Its just an object. Now if the logo had a Redskin Scalping a White Man with a Tomahawk; that might be a different story.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12