Originally Posted By: TottiNotGotti
Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Dang, that would be pretty cool if they would set up here. I would think Boston and South Louisiana would be prime stomping grounds.

In what way would it be cool?

The existence of physical force Republican groups isn't a laugh or something that's fun to read about on a website dedicated to charting the lives of criminals, they are the result of a situation which causes great pain to Irish people - namely the occupation of the northern part of the island of Ireland by a foreign force and their planters. It isn't something cool, it is something extremely serious.

As for setting up in America - the current groups are as weak as piss. As I said before, thye don't have the ability to sniff one of their own farts without the security forces knowing about it. They'd have no chance in Boston or Louisiana if they can't even operate in Belfast. Maybe the Continuity IRA are still viable as they have more pedigree and a stronger political wing, but even they have wisely decided to keep a lower profile. They appetite is not there for war anymore. To take someone's life for the cause of an Irish Republic you have a certain responsibility to them that it is for a reason, part of a campaign, working towards an end...the recent deaths are irresponsible attempts to keep an ideology (anti-Treaty, anti-Good Friday Agreement, non-constitutional, physical force Republicanism) alive.

They should put down the guns until the time is right.

I am Catholic AND I SUPPORT the IRA until ALL of Ireland is freed from British Occupation. That means get their happy asses out of Northern Ireland then I will be content. Ireland is fighting the same fight America did 250 Years ago, No difference.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"