Originally Posted By: Skinny
Originally Posted By: TottiNotGotti

Particularly interested in how you imagine a guy like Liborio Bellomo lives his life.

Thanks for any replies.

Goes out to eat for lunch and says maybe 3 words. Goes home. Wakes up at 3am and drives to a jewelry store in east Bronx, walks around the block a few times whispering in his guys ear. Goes home and back to sleep. About as exciting as it gets

Not looking for excitement Skinny, just wondering how these guys function.

Surely they can have absolutely no normality in life - no working day, no days off, no weekend, no working from home, etc?

As I say, not interested in what shoes they wear or where they eat lunch or what kind of car they drive or how many girlfriends they have as the 'glamour' means nothing to me, but I am interested in they way they operate on a daily basis.

My thoughts are that it must be an absolutely shit life, but as I say I don't really have much insight into how they go about their 'work'.