Originally Posted By: ChiTown
You keep trying to make this a personal beef Jared...it's not...like most, I ignore all of your posts.

Who are you kidding? It's you who brings me up whenever you can. Even in unrelated threads and discussions I'm not a part of. This has been nothing but personal for you for a long time. It's why you can't let it go. You pretend like you don't care and claim you don't read my posts but we both know that's not true. You're still sore about being made a fool of, as well as your Outfit BS being called out, and you take any chance you can get to still throw shots out at me. It's pathetic.

I just don't understand Mormons...similar to how you don't like minorities, alcohol, sex or the 21st century.

Nobody is asking you to understand Mormons, so why even bring them up? And who said I don't like minorities? That's another lie from you. Alcohol? I certainly don't drink it and think it contributes to so many of society's ills. That can't be debated. Sex? Well, I don't pretend to be a supporter of gay rights like you do. Don't even know what you mean by the 21st century. rolleyes

And if you don't understand Italian culture or know much about cities...kind of hard to understand the Italian mob that exists in cities Jared.

That's such a load of crap. But it's the only card you have to play and you've been playing it for years now If this were 50, or even 20, years ago you may have a point. However, with information so widely and quickly available today, living in some city where there's a mob family gives one relatively little extra insight. Especially when it comes to the macro stuff - the big picture. Sure, a local guy may hear some things here and there, know where so and so hangs out, where this guy likes to eat, or that guy's brother. The more micro stuff. But that's got nothing to do with the stuff you and I have debated in the past.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.