Originally Posted By: Snakes
1. I don't think Vito was going to proclaim himself "boss of bosses". Where did you read this?

Here are some examples. I'm not saying that these are all reputable, but it's been reported enough for me to ask about it.

"Vito Genovese had pushed for the Apalachin Conference, as it later became known, and its generally believed that this was where he planned to have himself crowned boss of all bosses."

His next goal was to take over the Luciano family and become "The Boss of Bosses" in the Mafia.....On November 14, 1957, Genovese reportedly coordinated what became known as the Appalachian Meeting, where he expected to be named Boss of Bosses.

Genovese probably even expected to be anointed boss of bosses at the meeting, but it ended in a total fiasco when authorities raided the affair and scooped up dozens of Mafia figures.

Lucky Luciano, by Tim Newark
Genovese wanted a coronation to celebrate the beginning of his reign as boss of bosses and he chose a stone hilltop mansion at Apalachin......he wanted them to recognize him as their leader and accept a period of peace under his rule

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)