With Halloween quickly approaching, thought maybe we could share odd/unusual stories that we have experienced. You know, the unexplainable? smile Here's mine which happened about a year ago.

I was, I guess you'd say, in a half awake/half asleep state (best way to describe it). For some unknown reason I see the outside of a house that I KNEW was my great aunt's from Flat rock MI (yes there is a Flat Rock MI) lol As I recall I was only there a couple times as a kid. AND, my relatives no longer live there BUT my entire family always refers to them as cousins from Flat Rock, even still.

When I completely awoke, I chuckled to myself wondering WHY in the world would I think of that house. For some reason it baffled me and I even told my daughter about it and said "If I hear ANYTHING at all about Flat Rock MI, I'll be freaked out."

A day or two later my brother calls, and first thing he says is "I've got some bad news from Flat Rock." uhwhat Whoa!!! My cousin had a heart attack (she survived thankfully). I was kind of speechless and told my brother about my dream and he was kind of surprised but it still is amazing to me. confused


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon