Originally Posted By: pmac
the ufc took growing up tough in a bad neighborhood rite out the equation. white kids go to the gym rite after lacross practice. anyone can fight nowadays if you want to. don't think carlo Gambino could have fought out a wet paper bag its more being criminal minded or some shit.

Thats right UFC is a rich kids sport Brazilian jujitsu is expensive to learn and so is wrestling its not like boxing where you had any tough guy off the street joining a local free gym.90% of american UFC fighters were collage wrestlers

Any way back to the original post it doesn't matter where you live you HAVE TO know someone in that world.Living in bensonhurst and not knowing any wiseguy is the same as living Montana and not knowing someone.You need that some one whos in that world so you can start kicking up what ever you earn so then eventually you can be put on record.

Guys like Carlo gambino when he was young if he didnt steel or kill he didnt eat.The 20s and early 30s generation today most of them still live with there parents so even if they do a score and the money runs out they are not too fussed about it.So for alot of these guys its like an adventure rather than a way to be able to eat