Originally Posted By: Don Marco
Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: klydon1

Again, the people have the power of term limits in the ballots they cast.

I agree Kly. It takes effort to learn about candidates and to vote. Some Americans don't want to make the effort. In addition, there is a paucity of knowledge among so many Americans about national issues. Those with so littel knowledge insist on looking at those issues in elementary terms. They neglect to consider the effects of our pluralistic society.

I might if you eliminate the gerrymandering that takes place to ensure that incumbents are re-elected.
Gerrymandering was rampant after the 2010 elections that brought Republican majorities to the state houses, which coincided with the national census that compelled redistricting. Pennsylvania, like other states was carved up into congressional districts that defied fairness and geographic sense. The intent was actually to eliminate Democratic incumbents by marginalizing their districts.

They then pushed to overhaul our presidential electoral process by allocating electoral votes by individual district, claiming this was more fair. They knew they were very unlikely of beating Obama in 2012, and had their ruse succeeded, this past election, which Obama won by a comfortable margin in 2012, would have produced the ludicrous result of 14 votes for Romney and 6 votes for Obama. Of course, the voter ID law was rushed through to further reduce the voting impact of the poor, elderly and urban minorities, all of whom typically vote Democratic.