Originally Posted By: mustachepete
have slowly gone from one tiny feeder to about ten. The squirrels, of course, were the bane of my existence until I finally just gave up and started putting peanuts out for them.

M-Pete....ten feeders eek you must really draw a crowd, that can get expensive. I have a four position feeder that I fill with sunflower and millet and then a suet cake. Squirrels are a pain and very clever at getting in the feeders. Your dog should help. A few times I've had a pair of mallard ducks on the ground around the feeder. There is a small lake nearby. I also had a solo turkey. I've had a flock of 12 pass through the yard one year when the feeder wasn't up. Now I have about 10 doves that peck around the ground for the spillings.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12