Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Detroit is a dream.

Racial composition and economic allocation of wealth point to little to no basis for any large Italian OC basis.

There is relatively a small Italian ethnic component. And more importantly a smaller poor Italian ethnic component.

The odd bookie a family does not make.

If Philly, Chicago and NE are struggling to support the next generation of Italian OC, what chance does anyone honestly think DETROIT has? Seriously.
Even the boys in NY were heard bitching about the lack of new blood.


Let it go.

Genius, the Detroit LCN does 90% of its business OUTSIDE of Detroit proper, in the suburbs where there is "economic allocation of wealth", and a predominantly white operating area. There's approximately 5 million the in Metro Area, 250,000 of those have Italian ancestry. Did you honestly think they only operated in Detroit? That's laughable. Only 700,000 welfare dependent laggards are left in the city, why would the mob stay there, when they can follow the money to the suburbs who has judges who likes to give out light sentences?

You're also forgetting the often mentioned, but mostly misunderstood importance of the blood connections the family has. Same 3 founding families still rule today, the Tocco's, Giacalone's and Corrado's, with the Zerilli clan now MIA. That doesn't exist in Philly, or in NE, or even NY, at least not to the extent it exists in METRO Detroit.