Hypothetically, if Charlie was a free man in the US (not deported to Italy), he would have had multiple revenue streams, which appeared more profitable than what Genovese had going on. Again, this is strictly hypothetical, as we all know he was deported and took a hands off approach to most of the family's rackets.

He would have been partners with Meyer Lansky in Havana. And he would have worked closely with Bugsy in Las Vegas....might have kept him in line better than Meyer did. He also would have been involved with the racing wire that Bugsy was involved with. In addition, he would have worked together with Costello with the Louisiana slots with Huey Long. Plus, as the don, he likely would have gotten a piece of whatever Genovese had going on. Based on my knowledge, Vito didn't profit from the above, but Charlie would have.

I read a bio which discussed when Charlie originally expanded his rackets to Los Angeles/Hollywood. He battled with Frank Nitti on the drug territory in LA....he even ordered a hit on Nitti, after which, Nitti gave in to Charlie's demands. While in LA during that general period, Lucky also found time to have girlfriend and actress Thelma Todd whacked. He used the second floor of her diner to set up a posh gambling room. Again, this was from a bio that I read. I'm not taking this all as fact.

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)