Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: bigboy
If that driver had a cell phone he could have called 911 and asked for an officer to meet him on the road.

I don't know if the driver had a cell phone, but this all happened within six minutes.

I understand that there were numerous 911 calls. One of the uncharged bikers is making an incredible claim that the driver of the SUV with his family in the car had been driving in an erratic fashion, speeding, swerving and changing lanes. I doubt you'll see any 911 calls made for this.

I have heard of quite a few stories around NY/NJ where drivers of old cars purposely slow down in front of vans and cars enough to stop both vehicles, and falsely claim that they had been hit in the rear where preexisting damage is. They then threaten the the other driver to give them a few hundred dollars to avoid being beaten.