Caught Ron Howard's new film RUSH yesterday. Surprisingly exceptional, his best work since APOLLO 13. I know dick about Formula One, yet this story enraptured me with this intense rivalry between two drivers of two different nations, backgrounds, and personalities, along with the sub-culture of suicidal machomania that they're kings of.

It really reminded me of THE RIGHT STUFF, except race car drivers instead of test pilots. But regardless its about men in a deadly profession driven by ego in competition against each other and themselves in a contest of human endurance. There is courage to do such professions for a living, and the 3rd act of RUSH (which is a visceral triumph) is marked by two very brave (and contradictory) decisions made by both drivers in that final race in Japan, which would determine who is 1976 F1 world champion.

I suppose it's not a "great" film technically, even if its quite possibly Howard's best and most ambitious filmatic work, perhaps just a very very very good film. But I lost myself in a Howard film, which honestly was the last thing I expected in a Oscar baiting prospect from a guy who can be a notorious Oscar (master) baiter. It's pleasant when people can surprise you beyond your expectations.

Regardless, this is a must-see I highly recommend. Daniel Bruhl is already talked about as an Oscar contender, and he does have the baitiest part. But Chris Hemsworth deserves some credit too for playing immaculately a playboy stud with a million dollar smile. Both compelling leads that make you follow them, even if they're both dickish characters honestly, and you absolutely buy (beyond merely an artificial device) that they despise each other, even if its tinged with respect.