Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Yet again, it is buried in new reports that these were infact jihadists, sparing non-muslims and slaughtering christians, jews, etc.

Although CNN tried its best to cover these facts up in the article:

To point this out is islamophobia. How does an empire like ours continue to exist when we cannot even point out who are enemies are? Typing in "islam mall shooting" only came up with article with PC fears about retaliation against muslims in Kenya- despite the fact that Islam is always and everywhere on the forefront of war against every other religion (christians to buddhists).

Of course, if it had been a Christian wacko shooting non-Christians at a mall, CNN would have been all over that.

There's something I've come to realize over time. As much as the liberal left in the U.S. and Western Europe despise religion in general, they especially loathe Judeo-Christianity. Probably because of their proximity to those religions more than anything. So, by default, the liberal left (including in the media) often side with the Islamic extremists (even though the two couldn't be further apart) because, to them, it's the lesser of the two evils. Sort of them "enemy of my enemy is my friend" way of thinking. It's why the liberal left typically supports the terrorist bastards among the Palestinians against Israel.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.