Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
This dude is fucking crazy. All he has done is searched the net and read his books and makes those suckers believe he is his illegitimate son....LMAO!

It's easy to do a search on ones death record and find dates, etc. That's all he does. I agree with Carmela, he damn sure doesn't look like ol Joe. This dipshit is the goofiest looking s.o.b. I've ever seen! But if you have ever been to Arkansas you'd know why he looks like does (LaLouisiane will vouch on that....haha)

Hell No, there are no Cajuns in Arkansas, thats too far north and they all look like ass clowns up there. And how the hell would this dude be Bononnos son living in Arkansas? Bononno had a dairy farm none of us knew about?

Maybe he could of pulled something off by claiming NOLA, but come on man, gotta do better than that!

Last edited by LaLouisiane; 09/18/13 02:50 PM. Reason: spelling

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"