Hi Lic,

FYI-I don't speak with RATS, my information comes from much more credible sources in law enforcement at both the state and federal level. I may not be a street guy, but my grandfather as well as two of my uncles were in the life and I grew up around it, so I'm also not stupid. While some of the guys may respect Limone, there are also a lot of guys who just don't get it. The days of LCN being all powerful are over for good. Citizens aren't afraid to run to the feds, "most" of the younger guys wouldn't hesitate to flip because the repercussions just aren't enforced the way they were in the old days. New England hasn't replenished the ranks and that is why they are a dying organization, like a majority of other families around the country. I am well aware of Larry Zannino...but the fact of the matter is that there aren't any young guys who could have as much influence as Zannino once had. There is no doubt in my mind that Limone could hold his own, but nearing 80 years old has its downside as well. His family will be taken care of for the rest of their life "if they're smart." I just don't believe that he is going to want to be active on a day to day basis because running a crime family in this day and age is no easy task and has more headaches with underlings and "the new generation" of wannabees. Guys like Limone, Patriarca, Manocchio and Zannino are a dying breed. They took their oaths seriously and more importantly, they adhered very strictly to the rules of Cosa Nostra from the old country. These 3rd and 4th generation Italian Americans don't have the same ideologies as the guys who were either born and raised there or are 1st generation Italians whose families emigrated to America. The point I'm trying to make is that the mafia is not an occupation of choice or as attractive as it once was. There have been so many informants in New England that the Feds have their finger on the pulse and who knows how many others are secretly talking to law enforcement. Anthony DiNunzio was a laughing stock and he did no favors for the Patriarca Crime Family...if anything, he weakened it tremendously with his continued enforcement of the shakedown of strip clubs while he knew that he and others were being investigated. Ducking for a while until the heat went away would have been the smart thing to do, but instead, he found it to be more important to ensure that everybody knew he was acting boss while playing the role of tough guy for the Gambino's in NY, on top of the fact that he was being recorded a few months into his reign as acting boss. Angiulo should have whacked him 30 years ago, as Anthony had no business sitting in the big chair. He obviously demonstrated utter stupidity which proved he had no idea of what he was doing. While Zannino may have liked Peter Limone in the 1960's, that was 50 plus years ago and Zannino is dead and it's 2013. If you can't even properly wash your money, you probably shouldn't be sitting in the big chair. Again, my point is that age and attrition is going to reduce the Patriarca Crime Family to some made guys operating on the street, but the hierarchy and the family structure is going to cease to exist, just like 18 out of the 26 other mafia families who cease to exist today.

Last edited by JCB1977; 09/17/13 12:22 PM.