most of angelesco and giangrnades hits were straight forward bullets to the head or just numerous rounds pumped into thier body, but one angelesco murder was pretty brutal, he stuck a butcher knife into his heart and left him outside of a malden bar bleeding to death.. not that brutal but efficient. ROGERS WAS JUST 19 YEARS OLD WHEN HE WAS MURDERED

THE DECOLOGERO CREW MURDER, OF AISLIN SILVA WAS EXTREMLEY BRUTAL AND DOWN RIGHT CHILLING, HER DISMEMBERED BODY PARTS WERE SHOWING UP ALL OVER MASS, MOST NOTABLY A DANVERS DUMPSTER, SHE WAS ALSO 19 YEARS OLD.... kevin muese snapped her neck, he later commited suicide in his cell from the guilt of snapping a teenage girls neck... Its truly one of the only greater boston murder's in recent years, that they actually cut up the body... other criminals were lkilled and just left for dead..

we all know flemmi, martarano, and whitey did some sadistic shit buts a long story...