Originally Posted By: jackbottoxxx

1. Holland - hands down. Case history, in point. Vast network around Euro
2. Quebec - Montreal Port and thier alliance with the Rizzuto Family.
3. California - Their alliance with the Mexican Cartels. Easier for them to blend into a white bread communities than a mexican runner.
not sure, what to make of the British Columbia Chapter??

the BC HA have been said in the past to be the wealthiest in North America. Not sure if they still are. Especially the East End Chapter. They have made huge money through controlling the port, the BC drug trade, prostitution and strippers. Also gambling, extortion and stock fraud. They arent known as much for violence as the Quebec chapters but they are just as wealthy. And they wont hesitate to use violence when necessary. If you google them you can find lots of articles about them

HA is also huge in Ontario. Similar to BC there hasnt been nearly as much violence as Quebec but they make a ton of money. The Greater Toronto area has the largest concentration of HA in the world.