We all agree that the story line(s) of the Trilogy makes for exciting reading and cinema. We wouldn't be here is we thought otherwise. But after all these years and analysis, what-ifs, and how-comes, we still come up with more. So here is my latest:

In GF, for me, the most exciting, tension-filled scene is Louis Restaurant with the planning around the dinner table, the car ride and u-turn on the bridge, then the culmination in the restaurant. But I was thinking about all the things that had to fall into place for Michael to "kill them both".
1. Sonny has a man in McCloskey's precinct who happens to see the book that McCloskey signs out.
2. The phone works
3. Tessio knows the restaurant. His turf is Brooklyn, but he dines in the Bronx.
4. Tessio formulates a plan immediately - they've got an old toilet with the chain....how did he know there was space behind it to accomodate a gun.
5. They get Michael to Jack Dempsey's on time.
6. Lou makes a perfect U-Turn on the bridge.
7. The restaurant is fairly empty, no cops out for a drink.
8. When Michael goes to the bathroom it is unoccupied.
9. Planting the gun - The gun-planter was able to get to the restaurant unnoticed, did he eat dinner first, have a drink at the bar, or just walk into the bathroom. How good was the duct tape in late 40's. No moisture on the tank?
10. Where did Michael hide the gun and how did he pull it out unnoticed.

Any little thing to change any of these actions could have foiled the whole plan. I'm sure there are more.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12