This is the weather Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013. That is the Atlantic City skyline. Photo was taken from Wildlife Drive in the Edwin Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. The Drive is an 8 mile loop that goes out into the Absecon and Reed Bay. I rode my bike out on the loop. Its a packed sand road. Along the ride you see a variety of bird life: egrets, herons, ducks, gulls, and turtles, crabs and fish. Very peaceful. It was a perfect weather day - 72 degrees, a whisper of a wind and as you can see, a couple of tiny clouds. That shiny reflection in the midst of the skyline is Boardwalk Hall. It has a curved glass roof. The Miss America contest will be held there is weekend.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12