A key piece of evidence in most oc trials are wire taps.
I'm curious if there's a way to access some of these and listen to them. I'd assume because they become public record after the trial that you should in theory be able to listen to them, or at least read the trial transcripts of the recordings; but I have no clue where a person would go to access this stuff.

Ideally the one I'd really like to hear are the commission trial tapes. They had bugs on salerno, castellano and corallo and I would like to listen (or read) the recordings they made. I know they wrote a book based on the castellano tapes but I've read there's a lot of bs in the book. I'm more interested in getting the primary sources, not the secondary.

So my questions are, is it possible to listen to or read transcripts of wire taps used in mob trials, and if so where in the government does one go to find them?