Jose :Gone all of us are gone.Out of thousands maybe 25 property's owned by Italians. And yes it is close to the bulldozer time.No way on the CASH his wife has gone through little Nicky has gone thru .Now there must have been 10 differnt people that rented the last 15 years.I did watch Phil's girl go in the grandma's apt. building and come out with 3 shoe boxes of cash the evening he flipped."Then went in Angeloni's put the boxes on the bar showed mary her sister what was in one kissed her went over to her other sister and kissed her . Conchata is her name and i never seen her or Phil again."Untill i was standing between the Whitehouse subs and Mucks poolhall and Phil rounded the corner onto artic.ave from gorgia ave. shot me a look a smerk i gave him a head bob like whatsup and gone never seen again.And i don't know if this is out there but his wife did spend a lot of money after the pinch..I think Phil tells that somewhere ,But i know it from two other people that were around her.

Last edited by Serpiente; 09/04/13 04:13 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."